Top 10 Best one line Motivational quotes - Motivational quotes ! quotes on love ! quotes about love ! quotes about life !

 A certain part of your life story is not your fault. There’s no doubt about that. But part of living a successful life is your responsibility...

Do mindful monotasking instead of mindless multitasking...

The weirdest thing about humans is, We’re super self-centered yet we underserve ourselves. We don’t use logic all that often, they use emotions...

Everything humanly possible is within reach as long as you're willing to work hard for thousands of hours to make sense of something that most people would give up on after a few hundred...

People, in general, don't show their interest in your personal stories...unless there’s something they can take from it or find within it for them...

Being kind has an incredibly high return. Generosity towards others makes you more wealthy. Feeling rich is better than being rich...

When you feel comfortable in your own shoes, you carry yourself with a different energy. It’s the energy that matters in life...

It's never as good as you wished, never as bad as you feared. Respect your deepest obligation and celebrate your highest privilege...

Don’t worry about how your dreams will come true. Follow your own rhythm. Those who can’t hear your music will see your dance as insane...

Disruption is the best time for innovation. Follow your intuition and get to work...

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