TOP 10 best one line motivational quotes which gives you strength in your hard time .

1. No one cares about your words until you show them results. No one cares about your result until it benefits them...

2. If you want to change your circumstances, change your attitude first. External changes are always preceded by internal decisions.

3. Your ability to ignore irrelevance is just as important as your ability to focus on priorities...

4. Don't be forcefully intelligent every time. Expressing oneself is an art free from all false pretense...

5. Do not fall into the trap of winning at everything in life without considering the broader cost...

6. The world’s most successful people are simply the best at staying motivated. It's a choice anyone can have but rare is seen...

7. The world is full of teachers and sometimes not enough learners. It’s better to seek knowledge and be conscious of your ignorance and blindspots than to claim expertise..

8. Let’s aim to be the most relaxed person in every room we find ourselves in whilst tackling our life’s biggest goals...

9. If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything. To make real progress feed your focus and starve your distractions...

10. Your life is not controlled by what you do some of the time, but by what you do consistently...

11. Strength is caressing your way up the side of a cliff. When you get to the top, you throw down a rope for everyone else...

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