QUOTES , Top 10 most famous quotes , quotes that give you strength in your hard time , part-11


Time doesn’t give you what you want, your choices do.

Don't take mirrors too seriously, your true reflection is in your heart.

Disconnect emotions from memory. Only then will the promise of a future bloom.

As a child we never let failure affect us and our enthusiasm! Revive the child in you whenever you fail.

Stardom is a trap that’s destined to end after a period. Stay dynamic. Embrace and develop all of your gifts.

How you spend your days from moment to moment is awareness. How you live in those moments is the value.

Mindset is nothing but a set of filters we apply to our daily experiences. Choose your filter wisely.

The simplest recipe for a good life is identifying the essentials and eliminating the rest

Choices create action. Action creates habits and routines. Habits and routines create your life.

Instead of fighting for scraps with the other 99%, be different. Be the person who believes truly enormous success is possible.

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