QUOTES , Top 10 most famous quotes , quotes that give you strength in your hard time , part-12


1. A simple secret about success is that willpower doesn’t work. Commitment does.

2. Temporary pain and suffering can be worth a memory one day be able to cherish for a lifetime

3. Habits and behaviors never lie. You can’t actually fake it.

4. Don't take mirrors too seriously, your true reflection is in your heart.

5. Disconnect emotions from memory. Only then will the promise of a future bloom.

6. As a child we never let failure affect us and our enthusiasm! Revive the child in you whenever you fail.

7. Be the beauty of the flower and its petals, stand strong, and keep your identity intact from God’s feet to weddings to birthdays and to the wreath.

8. Until you remove the sources of anxiety in your life, anything you add will just hide the root.

9. The thrill of a promotion or pay hike lives only for few days. But peace, health, and happiness are permanent investments.

10. Don’t try to search for the ‘good’ people in your life… try to become ‘good’ and your search will be over.

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