short quotes - quotes on smile - quotes on attitude - quotes inspirational - quotes on life - quotes on love - quotes for girls-2

short quotes - quotes on smile - quotes on attitude - quotes inspirational - quotes on life - quotes on love - quotes for girls-2


1. Painless growth is only temporary relief, not a long-term cure...

2. 80% of life is just showing up no matter what. Repetition and discipline beat talent...

3. Your future intentions don’t matter as much as your current behavior...

4. Life, ultimately, is a balance between efforts and surrender...

5. Becoming extraordinary means leaving the majority...

short quotes - quotes on smile - quotes on attitude - quotes inspirational - quotes on life - quotes on love - quotes for girls-2

6. Winning comes from the desire to go further, work harder and last longer than anyone else...

7. What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for...

8. Success is when you look back at your life and the memories make you smile...

9. In a fragile world, being unbreakable is the key to a good life...

10. Live your life with no expectations, so that you can die with zero regrets..

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