Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-34


tags:  an inspirational message from God today,  god, the message today Hindi,  today's message of the day,  a random message from god,  god, the message today youtube,  a message from God to you,       #Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday

Whatever is worrying you right now,

forgot about it .  Take deep breath ,

and Trust in God.


Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.


To trust God in the light is nothing ,

But trust him in the dark ,

That is the faith.


Good times bad times and everything in between

God has never ever left my side.


Time doesn't heal all wounds.

God Does.


God empty my hands

of anything that keeps

me from reaching out to you.


Sometimes God will put a Goliath in your life , For you to find the David within you.



God will make a way ,

when there seems to be no way.


God said you don't have to worry about

love. As long as I am existing you will be loved.


Rest is a weapon given to us by God,

The enemy hates it because he wants you

stressed and occupied.


Prayer is the most important conversation

of your day. Take it to God , Before you take it to anyone else.


when we put our cares in his hand.

He puts his peace in our hearts.


tags :


an inspirational message from God today,

god, the message today Hindi,

today's message of the day,

a random message from god,

god, the message today youtube,

a message from God to you,

#Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday


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