Good Morning Quotes with image | Good morning hd wallpaper download -Good morning image

 1.Our thoughts may either be our hero or grave of our dreams…Good morning

2. Be calm & cool when you're being challenged or tested. Overeacting only creates regret…Good morning

3. Society and people applaud you until you threaten its norms and opinions…Good morning

4. People are all born with a love of learning, but the fixed mindset can undo it…Good morning

5. Opportunity loves preparation. Success loves dedication. Growth loves discomfort…Good morning

6. Complaining is waste of time. Either act or forget…Good morning

7. The hardest choices requires the strongest wills…Good morning

8. Chase your potential regardless of the opinions of peers…Good morning

9. As we work to be the reason of smile & light for others, we naturally find our own radiance. Good morning

10. Looks decrease with time, intelligence increases with time.Both are important, but one is a much better bet for your future.Good morning

11. Discipline shapes the character, but integrity defines the legacy…Good morning

12. Thinking too much often misses the right one because luck is rare to control…Good morning

13. Maturity is realizing that half of what you want to say does not need to be said…Good morning

14. Living a great life is less about physicality but more about mentality…Good morning

15.  90% of your success is attributed to your attitude and approach rather than your innate abilities…Good morning

16. The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can give enormous results…Good morning

17. Self doubt defeats more people than any other one thing in the world…Good morning

18. The family you create is more important than the family you come from…Good morning

19. A man’s ultimate strength surfaces when he realizes self-reliance is his greatest asset…Good morning

20. Your self-talk has dramatic influence on your level of success…Good morning

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