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 दोस्तों आज इस वीडियो में हम आपको बताएंगे एक ऐसी रहस्य्मयी चीज़ के बारे में की अगर वो आपके हाथ लग जाए तो आप रातो रात दुनिया के सबसे धनि आदमी बन जाएंगे , जो आज सबसे अमीर है कल वो आपको छोटे और बहोत छोटे नजर आएंगे , 

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आप जो चाओ खरीद सकोगे , जी हाँ सही सुना आपने जो चाहो खरीद सकोगे , और इससे भी ज्यादा चौकाने वाली बात होगी की इससे आपके धन में कोई कमी नहीं होगी , 

हम आपको एक ऐसी चीज़ के बारे में बताने जा रहे है जो सिर्फ कुछ रूपये की चीज़ो को करोड़ो और अरबो में बदल सकता है , 

जरा सोचिये अगर आपके पास कोई ऐसी चीज़ हो जो छूते ही लोहे को सोना बना दे , 

जी हाँ सही सुना आपने हम ऐसे पत्थर के बारे में बात कर रहे है जिसका नाम है पारस पत्थर 

ये वो पत्थर है जिसे पूरी दुनिया ढूंढ रही है , 

कहा जाता है की बहुत समय पहले एक घसियारा जंगल में घांस काट रहा था अचानक उसका घास काटने का औजार किसी चीज़ से टकराया और सोने का हो गया ,इसे देख कर वह डर गया और चुप चाप मण्डन लुहार के पास गया और उसे बोलै की मुझे इस औजार के बदले लोहे का औजार दे दीजिए और इसे आप रख लीजिए , नहीं तो राजा मुझे सजा दे सकता है ,और मुझे कारावास में भी दाल सकता , लुहार बहुत चालक था उसने कहा इस बात को किसी को मत बताना और बातो ही बातो में उससे सारी बात पूछी और उस जगह का पता ले लिया , और घसियारे के जाने के बाद वह लुहार उस जगह पर पंहुचा और कुछ देर खोजने के बाद उसने वह पत्थर ढूंढ लिया जिसे आज हम पारस पत्थर कहते है , 

उस लुहार ने उस पत्थर से खूब सोना बनाया और लुहार धीरे धीरे अब मण्डन शाहूकार बन गया ,

मण्डन लुहार की एक बेटी थी जो जवान और शादी के लायक हो गयी थी , मण्डन ने उसकी शादी बुरहानपुर के राजकुमार से तय की और तय समय पर मण्डन की बेटी की शादी राजकुमार से हो गयी और मैदान ने दहेज में अपनी बेटी को पारस पत्थर दे दिया , और उसके बारे में बताया की यह क्या है और कहा की जब जरूरत पड़े तो इसे इस्तेमाल कर लेना , राजकुमार को इस विषय में कुछ पता नहीं था , बारात डोली ले कर चल दी , चलते चलते शाम हो गयी और नर्मदा नदी के किनारे राजकुमार ने बारात के साथ डेरा दाल दिया , 

राजकुमार दहेज न मिलने की वजह से गुस्से में थे , राजकुमार ने पालकी का पर्दा हटाया और बोले कैसे कंजूस साहूकार की बेटी हो जो अपनी बेटी को एक हार तक नहीं दिया ,

तब राजकुमारी ने पत्थर निकला और राजकुमार को दिखते हुए बताया की यह तुम्हारी सब इच्छा पूरी कर देगा , इससे राजकुमार नाराज हुवा और पत्थर देख बोलै इससे में अपना सर फोड़ू या अपने माँ बाप का और इतना कहकर , राजकुमार ने वो पत्थर लिया और उसे जोर से नदी के बीचो बीच फेक दिया और पारस पत्थर वही नर्मदा की गहराइयों में विलीन हो गया , 

इसके बाद मण्डन लुहार की बेटी ने उस पत्थर के बारे में बताया और रोने लगी , अब राजकुमार को भी अपने किये पर बहुत पछतावा हो रहा था , 

उसने तुरंत अपने सारे शेनिक नदी में उतर दिए , पत्थर को खूब ढूंढा गया बार बार ढूंढा गया लेकिन पारस नहीं मिला whg homes ने अपनी पुस्तक में इस बात को बताया है की भारत के नर्मदा के अंदर वह पत्थर आज भी मौजूद है , 

इसका दूसरा तथ्य यह है की जहाँगीर नामा में खुद जहाँगीर ने लिखा है की एक बार जब अकबर ने बुरहान पुर पर आकर्मण किया तो वह नर्मदा नदी से जैसे ही पर हुवे तो उन्होंने देखा की हाथी के पेरो में बंधी लोहे की जंजीर सोने में बदल गयी थी , अकबर ने अपनी पूरी फौज को 

नर्मदा में उतारा और पत्थर की तलाश कराई लेकिन पारस उन्हें भी नहीं मिला , 

ठीक इसी तह दुर्गा पिंडारी नामक योद्धा का लोहे का कवच नर्मदा से गुजरते हुए सोने में बदल गया था उसके बाद दुर्गा पिंडारी  ने भी इस पत्थर को ढूंढ़ने का भरसक प्रयास किया लेकिन वह नहीं मिला। 

The martha and the Pindari war Book के लेखक JG DUFF ने भी अपनी बुक में लिखा की नर्मदा की लहरों में आज भी मौजूद है पारस पत्थर , 

आज भी पारस पत्थर को लेकर कई अलग कहानिया सुनाते है जैसे करोली जिले के तिमनगढ़ के पास एक बड़े सागर की गहराइयों में वह पत्थर आज भी मौजूद है , 

एक अन्य कहानी की माने तो भोपाल से 50 किमी की दुरी पर रायसेन के किले में ये पत्थर आज भी मौजूद है , कहा जाता है की राजा RAISEN को ये पत्थर मिल गया था जिसके लिए कई बार युद्ध हुवे और जब जब राजा को लगा की इस बार वह हार जाएगा तो राजा ने उसे किले के एक तालाब में फेक दिया और युद्ध में राजा की मृत्यु हो गयी , इसके बाद किले को कई अलग अलग राजाओ द्वारा बहुत बार खोजा गया लेकिन वह पत्थर आज तक नहीं मिला और देखते ही देखते वह किलो खण्डार में तब्दील हो गया , 

इस किले को आज भी लोग RAISEN FORT के नाम से जानते है ,

आज भी मौजूद है पारस पत्थर।   कहानी पारस पत्थर की , मिल जाए तो दुनिया खरीद लोगे 


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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-30

 Don't let life bring you down.

Remember that God gives you

struggles to test your faith.


Faith is not the belief that God will

do what you want. It is the belief that

God will do what is right.

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Faith tells me that no matter

what lies ahead of me,

God is already there.


God's plans for you are better than any plans you have for yourself. So don't

be afraid of God's will, even if it is different

from yours.




Through hard work,

Perseverance,and faith in God,

You can live your dreams.


Trusting God is wisdom, Knowing God

is peace, loving God is Strength, Faith in

God is courage.


Faith is a choice to trust God even When

the road ahead seems Uncertain.


If you are going through tough times.

Remember it's God's way to prepare you,

and not to harm you. Have faith in his plans.


Keep the faith. The vision is always for the

appointed time. Be patient, Prayerful, and

wait for the fulfillment of your vision.


Pray as though Everything depends on

God. Work as though everything depends on you.




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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-29

 The next thing God does for you and your loved ones will be big, miraculous, and mind-blowing. Get ready for a shift because the best is yet to come.


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Your next chapter is going to cause some people to wish they had treated you better.


This rough patch in the road has not derailed your density. God is not through with you yet. Greater things and better days are coming.


Some people will never support you and that's okay. God will put total strangers in your path to get you where you need to be.


A doctor can save your life. A lawyer can defend your life. A soldier can give you a peaceful life. But only God can give you everlasting life.


Be careful about rushing God's timing...

You never know who or what he is prospecting you or saving you from.



Sometimes you are delayed where you are because God knows there's a storm where you are headed. Be grateful.


Never show your weakness to the world.

Because the world is much interested to play with it.


Became a God Person

But don't waste your time

to prove it.



Your Energy Introduced you

before you even speak.


Never Underestimate the power of prayer. One small prayer can change your life dramatically.



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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-28

 God is not asking you to figure it out.

God is asking you to trust that he already has.


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When God wants to move you to bigger Blessings. He will allow a heavy storm to Pour on you. Every plant grows after the rain.



God uses no one until he first puts them through the storm. The greater your mission. The greater your storm.



God is still writing your story.

Quit trying to steal the pen and trust the author.


God can restore what is broken and change it into something that is amazing. All you need is faith.


Every Positive thought is a silent

prayers that will change your life.



God will never take you to where the

the grace of God will not protect you.



It does not make things easy.

It makes them possible.


Faith, It's all about Believing,

You don't know how it will happen.

But you know it will.


The only one who can satisfy the

the human heart is the one who made it.


faith and fear both demand you believe in something you can not see. The choice is yours.


God is fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, and making a way even when you don't see a way.



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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-27

If you are reading this,

may God remove your pain,

worries and problems and replace

them with good health, happiness and



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God says ...

Your life matters.

Your feelings matter.

Your experience matter.

God loves you.



Love can be found simply by looking up into the beautiful sky and knowing that someone, anyone, family, friend, or unknown is looking down on you and smiling. Maybe keeping you safe. While god watches you go along in your life above the clouds, smiling, knowing you could always find something better inside yourself to be a fruitful saint.



Just got off the phone with my best, and she and I agreed. He has never let me down, unlike people I thought would never let me, but when I was flat on the floor, she and another friend helped me and gave me back to me. Bless you.



God gives you answers in three ways:

1. He says yes and gives you what you want,

2. He says no and gives you something better.

3. He says wait and gives you the best.



God is my father and I am His son. He made me and loves me as I am. He forgives me of my sins and washes me clean when I repent. He sees my weakness and empowers me to keep going. I did nothing to earn His love. There is nothing I can do to make Him love me more. Nothing I can do to make Him love me less. He disciplines me when I am wrong and teaches me when I ask. I am His beloved child. To be with Him in Paradise is my ultimate desire.


God is my boss and I am very thankful for my everyday salary called Life, with benefits called blessings, and with rewards called Miracle.


FEAR Has two meanings

Forgot everything and run


Face everything and Rice

the choice is yours.


Don't waste words on

people who deserve your silence.

Sometimes the most powerful thing

you can say is nothing at all.


If there was ever a time to put all 3 of you in your place it would've been now!!.. Knowing that's what you all wanted me to do.. You're not worth my time. All those things you did to me ... To get me to break... You don't deserve anything but a smile and nothing else!!.. Revenge isn't mine!! I gave it all up to the Lord... Our Saviour.. to fight my battles!!.. In Jesus name amen..


Always pray to have :

Eyes that see the best in people.

A heart that forgives the worst.

A mind that forgets the bad. A soul

that never loses faith in God.





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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-26



Man has to start with something and then develop it - he cannot ever make anything from nothing, only God can do that and call forth the creation.


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 Yet as I read the birth stories about Jesus I cannot help but conclude that though the world may be tilted toward the rich and powerful, God is tilted toward the underdog.



 There is nothing you could ever do that would change the way God feels about you.



 Only God gives true love: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.



God is love. God proved His love not by His need of us, but by His giving to us.



A high view of God and a low view of man affects how a church views salvation, not principally for the sake of man, but for the glory of God



So at least let me briefly state that the Bible is not man's best thoughts about God, but rather-and there is ample evidence-the Bible is in fact God's thoughts on paper.



The connection you share with Father God matters more than any other relationship you have



"When you decide to spend time with God in prayer and studying His word, patience and energy are paramount here as well."



He is the same God, yesterday, today, and forever. He is our heavenly Father who is merciful, kind, and full of compassion."



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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-25


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God Says 

You are not reading this 

by accident. This is a clear 

sign don't Ignore it. 

God is always with you.

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Today God wants you to know that your 

unspoken prayers will be answered. Yes 

God knows you, God hears you, God loves you, 

God is there for you. 

I believe in God,

Not because my parents told me to. Not

because a church told me to. But because 

I have experienced how awesome he is.

Today God wants you to know that this message 

is like a little hug. Hugs tell us many things; that 

we are loved, that we are important. 

God says ...

You may be in a tough time, but 

the devil always fights you the hardest 

when he knows I have something great 

in store for you. Don't give up. 

Put God in the driver's seat in your life. 

Because anything under his control will 

never be out of control. 

God is saying to you today ...

This is going to be a big week for you. 

You will experience consecutive wins, 

healing unexpected blessings, growth,

financial increase, and spiritual insight. 

God's message today ...

The pain will end.

The tears will stop. 

The doors will open.

 A season of miracle and 

blessings are on the horizon. 

Be grateful for today and 

never take anything for granted. 

Life is a blessing. 

God always gives his best 

to those who leave the choice 

with him. 


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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-24

I know that you can get better.

I know that you are trying.

I know that you are strong. 

I know that you are smart.

I created you. I know who you are.

I don't care what he or she said about you, 

because it is not true. They don't know you

like I know you. You are better than what they 

say about you. Stop believing the lies that people say 

about you. 

My calling for your life still stands firm. 

Let's get back up and keep walking. Your life 

is not over. 

I don't want you to rush.

There is a time for everything. 

Ask me for patience.

when time gets hard, 

It is normal to feel alone. 

I understand. However, Know that 

I stand with you. 

It's okay to grieve. It's okay to feel down

at times. But it is not okay to live in those 

feelings forever. Give me those strong emotions.

I will take care of you. 

It's been a little stormy in your life lately. 

I,m with you through this storm. I can feel 

your pain. You are not alone. 

Where I am talking to you, Joy will present. 

keep your head held high. I will not fail you. 

tags :

inspirational message from god today,

god message today hindi,

today's message of the day,

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a message from god to you,

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Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-23

 I truly appreciate all the Goodness 

You have brought into the world. 

Focus on what is good today. 

inspirational message from god today,  god message today hindi,  today's message of the day,  random message from god,  god message today youtube,  a message from god to you,  #Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday

My child do not forget that 

I am here to help you. 

I will give rest you tonight. 

My child, I did not place bad people in your life. 

They were once good but they choose to believe the 

lies of the devil & shut me out of their lives. 

Do not follow in their footsteps & Pray for them 

because it is not too late for them. 

It's normal to feel alone or even anxious at times.

It,s okay to feel these feelings, But it is not okay to 

truly believe them. You are not alone and things

will get better. 

I took you out of trouble that you did not even know existed. 

I was working behind the scenes. You do matter to me. I have 

always been there and will always be.

You are capable of being loved. 

You are not a mistake.

You are a champion. 

Life is not about what you succeed in.

But, instead, it is about living according to 

my will for your life. That is where true happiness

will be. 

You were made in my image. 

There is a part of me living in you. 

This is a personal reminder that you are not alone. 

I will walk with you.

Be at ease. I have your back.

I don't expect you to know what to do every time.

You don't have to be perfect. Don't worry. It's going to be 

okay. You are Okay. 

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inspirational message from god today,

god message today hindi,

today's message of the day,

random message from god,

god message today youtube,

a message from god to you,

#Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday

Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-22

 I need you to seek me.

Live by my word. I have heard your prayers.

I will use you. 

inspirational message from god today,  god message today hindi,  today's message of the day,  random message from god,  god message today youtube,  a message from god to you,

I will provide a way out. 

I will help you.

I am your God.

I am your friend, and I am your refuge.

Not every day will be a good day. 

But I will always be there.

I will be there to help you through those bad days.

Starting over does not mean that you have failed. 

Be brave and courageous. I am walking with you. 

Today is a new beautiful day. 

The sun is out and there is life.

You are breathing the air that I created.

Focus on today. Tomorrow will have its own problem.

If you sin against me, I will not leave you.

Instead, I will give you grace. However just 

because I forgive you, doesn't mean that you can

keep sinning. Change your ways. 

It's time to take a step back. Take a break 

and do something that you enjoy doing.

Relax your mind. You have been thinking too much. 

Enjoy this new day. 

I gave you another day to live. 

Take advantage. I want you to smile and 

laugh. Look at the good things around your life. 

You are blessed. 

My child, I need you to turn to me. 

It hurts to see you hurt. It hurts to see you 

relive negative past memories. 

I am here for you always.

tags :

inspirational message from god today,

god message today hindi,

today's message of the day,

random message from god,

god message today youtube,

a message from god to you,

#Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday

Word of Blessing | God's message today | Word of Blessing | inspirational message from god today god message today | God says Part-21

 You are Capable of Being Loved.

You are not a mistake.

You are a champion.


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Things will not make the sense at the moment.

Learn about me during the confusion.

I will make darkness light.



My child I did not cause you suffering.

However, I can help you get through the suffering.


You have made mistakes in the past, and I have helped you.

I will do the same now.



Hey, I want to remind you I am there with you.

You are not alone.



I am going to take away what is not good in your life.

Trust me I will not fail you.



 I can feel the pain that you feel.

You are not alone in this.

I understand you.



You are loved more than you imagine.

Pick your head up. You are enough.


You have been so strong lately.

I hear your prayers.



I know that you can get better.

I know that you are trying.



Make your thinking Pure by Focusing

your attention on me. I will bless you.



I do not need you to rush.

I have got everything in control.

I am for you.



tags :

inspirational message from god today,

god message today hindi,

today's message of the day,

random message from god,

god message today youtube,

a message from god to you,

#Biblestudy #Biblejournaling #womenoftheword #coffeeandJesus #powerofprayer #intheword #Biblestudymoments #devotional #seekHimfirst #shereadstruth #morningprayer #wellwateredwomen #womensbiblestudy #goodmorninggirls #readthroughtheBible #butfirstJesus #intheword #womenintheword #lampandlight #God #verseoftheday