Bananas are one of the most popular fruits worldwide. These contain essential nutrients that can have a protective effect on health.

Image result for banana images ,  benefits of banana sexually banana health benefits benefits of banana for men benefits of eating banana on empty stomach eat two bananas a day benefits medicinal uses of banana banana benefits for women's benefits of eating banana for skin

Eating bananas can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cancer.

This article will take a look at the potential health benefits of bananas, such as improving heart health and promoting regularity. It also examines the potential health risks that doctors have associated with bananas.

Health facilities

Bananas are high in potassium and have good levels of protein and dietary fiber.

The following sections explain some of the potential health benefits of banana.

Nutritional information comes from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) FoodData Central Database.

The daily requirements are from the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These are for adults, but they are approximate, as the values ​​vary according to a person's age and gender.

Blood pressure

Image result for blood pressure &banana images

The American Heart Association (AHA) encourages people to reduce salt, or sodium intake, and to increase their consumption of potassium-rich foods. Potassium can help manage blood pressure and reduce stretchiness on the cardiovascular system.

According to the nutritional information obtained from the above sources, a banana provides about 4% of the daily potassium requirement to a person.


A 2007 study suggested that eating bananas may help prevent wheezing in children with asthma. One reason for this may be the antioxidant and potassium content of bananas. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings.

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Laboratory investigations have suggested that lectin, a protein that occurs in bananas, may help prevent leukemia cells from growing.

Lectin acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help the body to remove molecules known as free radicals. If too much free radicals are formed, cell damage can occur, potentially causing cancer.

In 2004, researchers noted that children who consumed bananas, orange juice, or both had a lower risk of developing leukemia.

The study authors suggested that this may be due to vitamin C content, as it also has antioxidant properties.

Heart Brains

Bananas contain fiber, potassium, folate, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C. All of these support heart health.

A 2017 review found that people who follow a high fiber diet have a lower risk of heart disease than those on a low fiber diet. Those consuming more fiber also had lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol.

Image result for blood pressure &banana images,  benefits of banana sexually banana health benefits benefits of banana for men benefits of eating banana on empty stomach eat two bananas a day benefits medicinal uses of banana banana benefits for women's benefits of eating banana for skin


The American Diabetes Association recommends eating bananas and other fruits because they contain fiber. They should note that eating fiber can help reduce blood sugar levels.

The author of the 2018 review concluded that eating a high-fiber diet can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower blood sugar in people who already have the disease.

digestive Health

Bananas contain water and fiber, which both promote regularity and encourage digestive health. A medium banana provides about 10% of a person's fiber needs in a day.

Bananas are also part of an approach known as the BRAT diet, which some doctors recommend for treating diarrhea. BRAT is for bananas, rice, apples, and toast.

Diarrhea can cause a deficiency of water and electrolytes such as potassium. Bananas can replace these nutrients.

According to a 2012 study, high-fiber foods can trigger bloating, gas, and stomach cramps in people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, bananas can improve symptoms, the author concluded.

The Crohn and Colitis Foundation of America recommends eating bananas as breakfast in their diet plan.

Maintain memory and boost mood

Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps maintain memory, enhancing a person's ability to learn and remember things and control mood.

Image result for pakka banana image ,  benefits of banana sexually banana health benefits benefits of banana for men benefits of eating banana on empty stomach eat two bananas a day benefits medicinal uses of banana banana benefits for women's benefits of eating banana for skin


Bananas are rich in the mineral potassium. Potassium helps maintain fluid levels in the body and regulates the movement of nutrients and waste products into cells.

Potassium also helps the muscles to contract and respond to nerve cells. It keeps the heartbeat regular and may reduce the effect of sodium on blood pressure.

Potassium can reduce the risk of kidney stones such as the age of people. In turn, healthy kidneys ensure that the correct amount of potassium remains in the body.

A medium-sized banana contains 422 mg (mg) of potassium.

It is best to try to get potassium from dietary sources, such as bananas. Otherwise, potassium supplements are available to buy online.

Get more information about potassium.

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The table below shows the amount of each nutrient in a medium-sized banana. It also shows how much adult nutrient requirement each person has as per the 2015-2020 dietary guidelines for Americans. The requirements vary according to the sex and age of the person.

Nutrient intake in a medium banana daily adult requirement

Energy (calories) 105 1,800–3,000

Carbohydrates in grams (g) 27 including 130 grams 14.4 grams

Fiber (G) 3.1 25.233.6

Protein (G) 1.3 46-56

Magnesium (Mg) 31.9 320-420

Phosphorus (mg) 26 700

Potassium (mg) 422 4,700

Selenium in micrograms (MCG) 1.955

Choline (mg) 11.6 425–550

Vitamin C (mg) 10.3 75–90

Folate (MCG DFE) 23.6 400

Beta Carotene (MCG) 30.7 no data

Alpha Carotene (MCG) 29.5 No data

Alpha and beta carotene, selenium, choline, and vitamin C all have antioxidant properties.

Bananas in the diet

Fresh bananas are available throughout the year. Unlike some fruits, bananas continue to ripen even after picking.

Bananas will ripen rapidly at room temperature. To cook faster, people can try placing them in a paper bag.

Refrigerated bananas will ripen more slowly. The outer peel of the banana will turn black in the fridge, but the banana itself will remain intact longer.

Tips for serving and eating

Here are some tips for using bananas:

For a more nutritious breakfast, add a chopped banana to your morning cereal or porridge.

Cook bananas and use them to replace butter or oil in baked goods.

Add mashed bananas to muffins, cookies and cakes for a naturally sweet taste.

Add bananas to a smoothie.

Have a banana for work or school for a healthy, portable snack.

Other Banana Products

Other banana products include banana chips and banana powder. These products are available for online purchase.

People should check the labels of processed products before purchasing them, as they may contain sugar, salt, or fat.

Plantain is a cousin of banana that is popular in Central America. People need to cook the plant before eating it. Plantain chips are also available to purchase.

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The risk

Some people should take care not to eat too many bananas.

Beta-blockers: Doctors often prescribe these medicines to reduce the risk of complications that they associate with heart disease. Beta-blockers can increase potassium levels in the blood.

Consuming too much potassium can be harmful for people whose kidneys are not functioning fully. If the kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, it can be fatal. Those who use beta-blockers should eat foods with high potassium, such as bananas, in moderation.

What else should you know about beta-blockers? Find out here.

Allergies: Some people may be allergic to bananas. Anyone who experiences itching, hives, swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing should seek medical help once. An acute reaction can lead to anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.

Migraine: Bananas can trigger migraine in some people.

Image result for banana image ,  benefits of banana sexually banana health benefits benefits of banana for men benefits of eating banana on empty stomach eat two bananas a day benefits medicinal uses of banana banana benefits for women's benefits of eating banana for skin


Banana is a popular fruit that contains essential nutrients that help keep a person healthy.

It is worth noting that while the nutrients in bananas can promote health and prevent diseases, eating bananas may not have the same effect on everyone.

However, a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will provide a range of essential nutrients that can help a person keep well.

tags :

benefits of banana sexually
banana health benefits
benefits of banana for men
benefits of eating banana on empty stomach
eat two bananas a day benefits
medicinal uses of banana
banana benefits for women's
benefits of eating banana for skin

10 Health Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life- Yoga Health Benefits: Flexibility, Strength, Posture, and More

 10 Health Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life

Weight loss, a strong and flexible body, beautiful glowing skin, peaceful mind, good health - Yoga gives you what you want. Yoga is only partially understood by some asanas but the assessment of its benefits is understood only at the body level. We fail to know that yoga gives us benefits physically, mentally and in respiration. When you are with beautiful thoughts, the journey of life is filled with peace, happiness and more energy.

We are giving information about 10 benefits of yoga practice.

Overall health |
Weight Loss
Anxiety relief
Inner peace.
Improve immunity |
Live with more awareness.
Improve relationships
Increase in energy |
Improved physical flexibility and method of sitting.
Better intuition |

Total health

Yoga Excercise in Hindi
You are perfectly healthy then you are not only physically but mentally and emotionally healthy. Sree Sri Ravi Shankar says, "Health does not mean the absence of sickness. It is the dynamics of life that tell you how full of happiness, love and energy you are." Yoga teaches us the method of sitting, pranayama and meditation jointly. Regular practitioners receive innumerable benefits. Some of the benefits are

Health benefits
mental strength
Physical strength
Body protection
Body cleanse

Weight loss

weight loss in hindi
What most people want? The benefits of yoga are also here. Surya Namaskar and Kapalabhati Pranayama together with yoga reduce body weight. Apart from this, regular yoga practice gives so much understanding that what kind of food should we eat? Additionally, it helps control weight.

Anxiety relief

A few minutes of yoga throughout the day relieves the worries of the day. Not only physical but also mental concerns. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are effective ways to relieve stress. In Sri Sri Yoga Level 2 program you can experience how Yoga frees the body from stress and harmful substances.

Inner peace

We all like to visit peaceful, beautiful and natural places. When we feel that this peace is inside us, we can experience this short holiday at some time during the day. This short holiday with yoga and meditation are the best way to calm your anxiety filled mind.

Improve immunity

We are jointly made up of body, mind and soul. Any irregularities in the body affect the mind. Discouragement and fatigue in the mind are the cause of disease in the body. Yogasanas keep the limbs in a normal position and give strength to the muscles. Pranayama and meditation relieve stress and improve immunity.

Live with more awareness

The mind jointly keeps biting into the past and future but never stays in the present. In a simple state of mind, reflexes free us from stress. Increases efficiency by providing peace of mind. Yoga and Pranayama kick the mind in the present moment, we are happy and focused towards the goal.

Improve relationships

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Through yoga, relations with your kindred people are improved. A mind that is relaxed, happy and satisfied, plays a good relationship. Yoga and meditation bring happiness and peace to the mind. Provides the ability to make beautiful connections with souls.

Increase energy

Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? Many are exhausted while doing all the work throughout the day. A few minutes of yoga each day keeps you full of freshness and energy. The 10-minute online guided meditation keeps you fresh and full of energy in any busy day.

Improved physical flexibility and seating pattern

All you need to do is to include yoga in your regular routine so that you are full of strength, softness and flexibility. Regular yoga exercises strengthen your body and strengthen muscles. It improves the sitting, standing etc. of the body. It improves sitting, lifting the wrong way. Relieves physical pain.

Better intuition

Yoga and meditation improve the power of your intuition. So that you know what to do, when, how to do, which gives you positive results. This is the worker, only you have to experience it. Therefore, practice yoga continuously. The more deeply you practice, the more you gain.

tags :

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benefits of yoga for students
20 benefits of yoga
unexpected benefits of yoga
10 benefits of yoga
100 benefits of yoga
benefits of yoga for women
7 benefits of yoga

How to do Bhujangasana, Surprising Health Benefits of BHUJANGASANA -yoga , daily yoga


Bhujangasana looks like a snake with a raised snake, hence the name of this asana is Bhujangasana. Bhujangasana is an important ease of Suryanamaskar and Padmasadhana which is very beneficial for our body. It makes the muscles of the chest and waist flexible and removes any tension in the waist. Bhujangasana will prove to be very beneficial for patients related to spinal cord. In women, it helps to control blood flow in the uterus. Whether it is a patient related to kidney or any stomach related problem, this simple posture is the solution to all problems.

How to do Bhujangasana
Lie flat on the ground, keep the padanguli and head straight on the ground.
Keep feet straight, feet and ankles also together.
Keep both hands equal to both shoulders, and keep both elbows near and parallel to the body.
Taking long breaths, slowly raise the forehead, then the chest and later the stomach. Keep the navel on the ground.
Now, with the support of both hands, lifting the body up, pull it towards the back of the waist.

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Observe: Maintain equal weight on both arms.
Inhaling with reflex, straighten both hands by slowly turning the reed joint even more; Look up, raising the neck.
Consider: Are your hands away from your ears? Keep your shoulders relaxed. If needed, you can also bend the elbows. You can learn to give more curvature to the back by keeping the elbows straight, while continuing to practice as you go.
Keep in mind that your feet are still straight. Keep a light smile, keep on breathing long and smiling.
Taunt the body according to your own ability, too much folding can cause harm.
While exhaling, firstly bring the stomach, then the chest and later the head slowly back to the ground.

 Benefits of Bhujangasana

Relaxing the shoulders and neck.
Strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Reinforcing the entire back and shoulders.
Making the upper and middle parts of the spine more flexible.
To get rid of fatigue and stress.
Extremely beneficial for asthma and other respiratory diseases (do not use this asana when an asthma attack continues).

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Contradiction of Bhujangasana | Contraindications of the Bhujangasana
Pregnant women, or those who have a crack in the rib or wrist, or have had a recent abdominal operation, such as a hernia, will have to avoid this asana.
Do not do Bhujangasana even patients with Carpel tunnel syndrome.
If you have been ill for a long time or have been suffering from a spinal disorder, then practice Bhujangasana only under the supervision of Sri Sri Yoga instructor.

Surprising health Benefits of Kiwi , You will be unaware of these benefits of eating kiwi- top 4 health benefits of kiwi

 You will be unaware of these benefits of eating kiwi

Image result for image of kiwi ,  10 benefits of kiwi fruit disadvantages of kiwi fruit kiwi benefits for female benefits of eating kiwi at night kiwi benefits for male kiwi benefits and side effects benefits of kiwi skin benefits of kiwi seeds

Kiwi is not a very popular fruit, but its benefits will surprise you. The kiwi with brown peels is soft, green in color. Small black colored seeds are also present inside it.

Benefits of eating kiwi:

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Kiwi rich in vitamin C has enough anti-oxidants. Which is helpful in keeping many types of infections safe.

2. To cholesterol level

Kiwi is helpful in controlling cholesterol. Its regular intake increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body. It is mainly beneficial in many diseases related to the heart

3. Helpful in reducing inflammation

Kiwi has inflammatory properties. In such a situation, if you have a complaint of Arthritis, then regular consumption of Kiwi will be beneficial for you. Apart from this, it helps to heal internal wounds and reduce inflammation.

4. For Relieving Constipation

Kiwi is rich in fiber. Regular intake of kiwi is also beneficial in constipation problems. The presence of fiber also helps in digestion.

tags :

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disadvantages of kiwi fruit
kiwi benefits for female
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kiwi benefits for male
kiwi benefits and side effects
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benefits of kiwi seeds

Eat red chili, lose weight , Red chili will reduce weight surprisingly

 Eat red chili, lose weight ...

लाल मिर्च को हमेशा संतुलित मात्रा में खाना चाहिए

Weight gain is a common problem nowadays, but due to this one does not know how many diseases start to go home in the body. To avoid this, we do not know how many measures. If you are also troubled by weight problem then try these remedies…

Even after your constant efforts to do body weight, if you fail to lose weight, then red chili can help you in this. Detoxification of the body is necessary to lose weight and the consumption of red chili is very effective in this work. Increasing weight can be controlled if it is consumed in balanced amounts.

Let's know, these three ways to consume red chili ...

1. To strengthen metabolism, start drinking red pepper lemon tea in the morning. Initially, mix half a teaspoon of red chili powder to lemon tea. Consumption of this drink begins to reduce weight.

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2. Red chili increases the taste of vegetables and if you avoid eating green vegetables, then consuming red chili with them can prove beneficial for you. Make a habit of eating salad with beans and vegetables by mixing red chili and lemon juice.

3. If you want to eat chilli, then you can take its capsule as well. They help strengthen the immune system by weighing you, but try to include red chili in the diet. Simultaneously, make a habit of exercising regularly.

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DIET PLAN ,If you are thinking of weight loss, then include this vegetable in the diet

 If you are thinking of weight loss, then include this vegetable in the diet

If you are also worried about your obesity, then control your diet first. Junk food, too much oily, and spicy food, soft drinks can also be the cause of obesity. In addition to diet control, it is important that you exercise regularly.

Obesity is the biggest problem of today. It is a matter of concern that obesity brings many other diseases along with it. Obesity can be the cause of depression, blood pressure, diabetes, and many other diseases.

If you are also worried about your obesity, then control your diet first. Junk food, too much oily, and spicy food, soft drinks can also be the cause of obesity. Along with diet control, it is also important that you exercise regularly.

Many times people start taking medicines for weight loss but it can also be dangerous. It is better to take weight control with home remedies than taking medicines.
Image result for fatty ladies

Those who lose weight are advised to eat cabbage. Although it does not burn fat, it has negligible calories. Apart from this, it contains zero percent fat and cholesterol.

Cabbage is also a good medium for fiber and phytonutrients. Appetite is not felt long after eating cabbage. Along with these elements, it is also a better alternative to vitamin C, anti-oxidants. It works to maintain metabolism.

Tips: - If you are eating cabbage for weight loss, then remember to cook it too much. Otherwise, its nutrients will be destroyed.

- If you are taking it as a salad, do not mix many things in it. Eating only with light salt will be more beneficial.

You can take it as a vegetable, as a salad or as a soup.


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Can't go out for a walk and workout, so keep your fitness at home with these exercises , exercise for weight loss at home for female in 7 days

 Can't go out for a walk and workout, so keep your fitness at home with these exercises

Maintain your fitness by doing these simple exercises in a small space of the house. The best part is that there is no need for any kind of equipment to do them.

7 exercises to do everyday home exercises to lose weight full-body exercises at home workout routine at home home exercise equipment exercise for beginners at home best exercises at home workout at home for men

There is lockdown all over the country and people are in their homes. He is not able to go out for exercise, morning walk, or jogging. However, this does not mean that they cannot work on their fitness while at home. Today we are telling you some very easy ways to exercise at home…

A little stretching, a little fun

No matter how small your house is, there will definitely be so much space in it that you can stand and spread your arms and legs in all four directions. By the way stretching is done before the rest of the exercises. But you can also do it normally while staying at home. If you have small children at home, then you will enjoy it more than stepping with them. Stretching simply means stretching exercises, so you just stretch your body parts differently. You can do it much better by laying a mat or yoga mat on the ground.

Dance is also a good option

If you do not know how to exercise or you do not want to follow routine exercises, then spend 20-30 minutes a day dancing with kids on a fast soundtrack or on your favorite song. Dancing is more beneficial than all other exercises, it is because in the rest of the exercises you are only moving one particular part while the whole body is exercising during the dance.

Must do spot running

Needless to say how beneficial running is for health. Even at home, you can get the benefits of running. For this, you should do spot running. Spot running means standing and running in one place. One of the advantages of this is that your whole body. Increases blood circulation. The supply of oxygen also increases and the heart is strong. Apart from this, spot running also reduces the fat of your thighs, abdomen, and waist.

Squats are very beneficial

Squats are also a great exercise that can be done in a small space at home. Doing this helps the thighs and knees greatly. Apart from this, this exercise also helps in reducing your stomach. To do this, stand at one place by bringing the feet evenly, now spread your hands in the front, and sit up. If you put 3 sets of 15 squats a day, then your stomach will not come out.


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attitude shayari , status attitude ,Attitude status in hindi -जिनको याद करके मुस्कुरा दे आँखे वो लोग दूर होकर भी दूर नहीं होते ,,-DOSTI SHAYARI - attitude status in hindi attitude shayari

वक्त की हो धुप या तेज हो आँधिया 

कुछ कदमोके निसान कभी नहीं खोते 

जिनको याद करके मुस्कुरा दे आँखे 

वो लोग दूर होकर भी दूर नहीं होते ,,

ना मिले किसी का साथ तो हमे याद करना 

तन्हाई हो महसूस तो हमे याद रखना 

खुसिया बाटने वाले दोस्त बहोत मिलेंगे 

गम बाटने हो तो हमे याद रखना ,,

खुदा हमको ऐसी खुदाई ना दे 

अपनों से लम्बी जुदाई ना दे 

हमको को जन्नत नहीं चाहिए 

जहा से अपनी दोस्ती दिखाई ना दे ,,

बिकता है गम इश्क के बाजार में 

लाखो दर्द छुपे होते है एक छोटे से इंकार में 

हो जाओ अगर जमाने से दुखी 

तो स्वागत है हमारी दोस्ती के दरबार में ,,

वक्त के लम्हे परिंदे बन कर उड़ जाएंगे 

पर यादो की निसानी छोड़ जाएंगे 

दोस्त बनते है और बनते जाएंगे 

पर आपसे दोस्त हम कहा से लाएंगे ,, 


attitude status in hindi

attitude shayari

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES FOR LIFE , HINDI QUOTES- बातें नहीं काम बड़े करो क्योकि लोगो को सुनाई काम दिखाई ज्यादा देता है ,,

जीवन एक संगीत है 

इसे गुनगुनाते रहिये 

हालात चाहे जैसे भी हो 

हमेशा मुस्कुराते रहिये ,,

साम्राज्य कभी एक दिन में नहीं बनता 

उसके पीछे सालो की मेहनत लगती है ,,

शब्द और व्यवहार ही मनुष्य की असली पहचान है ,,

कामयाबी का जूनून होना चाहिए फिर 

मुश्किलो की क्या औकात है ,,

सिर्फ सुकून ढूंढिए 

जरूरते तो कभी खतम नहीं होती ,,

जिंदगी की हर सुबह कुछ 

शर्ते लेकर आती है 

और जिंदगी की हर शाम 

कुछ तजुर्बे देकर जाती है ,,

चलते रहने से शरीर और 

चलाते रहने से सम्बन्ध स्वस्थ 

रहते है , 

वक्त अच्छा जरूर आता है 

पर इसे आने में वक्त लगता है ,,

अहंकार उसी को होता है जिसे 

बिना संघर्ष के सब कुछ मिल जाता है ,

जिसे अपनी मेहनत से हासिल होता है 

वह हमेशा दुसरो की कद्र करता है ,,

शांत मन से लिया गया हर निर्णय 

आपको सही परिणाम देता है ,,

जब आपको विश्वास है की ऊपर 

वाला आपके साथ है तो 

क्या फर्क पड़ता है की कौन मेरे 

खिलाफ है ,,

बातें नहीं काम बड़े करो 


लोगो को सुनाई काम 

दिखाई ज्यादा देता है ,,

संतान को पालना किसी 

साधना से कम नहीं है 

इसलिए माता पिता की सेवा 

किसी आराधना से कम नहीं है ,,

अरमान उतने ही अच्छे है ,

जहा स्वाभिमान बेचने की 

जरूरत न पड़े ,

तनाव से केवल समस्या जन्म 

लेती है , समाधान खोजना है तो 

मुस्कुराना ही पड़ेगा ,,

बात उसी से करो जो तुमसे बात करना 

चाहे , यूँ किसी के पीछे पड़ कर खुद को 

जलील करवाना अच्छी बात नहीं ,,

जिंदगी में लोगो का आना भी एक मकसद 

होता है , कुछ तुम्हे आजमाएंगे 

कुछ तुम्हे सिखाएंगे 

कुछ तुम्हारा इस्तेमाल करेंगे 

और कुछ तुम्हे जीने का 

सही मतलब भी समझाएंगे ,,

जिनकी आँखे बात बात में भीग जाती है 

वो कमजोर नहीं होते ,बल्कि दिल के सच्चे 

होते है ,,

किसी का भला न हो सके तो बुरा भी मत करो 

क्योकि दुनिया कमजोर है ,

दुनिया बनाने वाला नहीं ...

तुम्हारे टाइम पास के साधन 

एक दिन तुम्हारे करियर को 

ख़तम कार देंगे ,, 

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Motivational quotes -life changing quotes -कौन ,कब ,किसका ,कितना है ये सिर्फ वक्त तय करता है ....

ईश्वर में आस्था है तो 

उलझनों में भी रास्ता है ....

अगर कोई आपसे उम्मीद करता है तो ये 

उसकी मज़बूरी नहीं बल्कि आपके साथ उसका 

लगाव है ....

कद बड़ा नहीं होता ऐड़िया उठाने से 

उँचाहिया हासिल होती है सर झुकाने से 

दुनिया में हर चीज कीमती है 

पाने से पहले और खोने के बाद ...

सुख़ में मिले हजारो 

दुःख में मिले ना एक 

साथ कष्ट में जो रहे 

मित्र वहीं है नेक ....

पेड़ की टहनी पर बैठा पक्षी कभी 

टहनी टूटने से नहीं डरता ...

क्योकि उसे टहनी पर नहीं अपने 

पंखो पर विश्वास होता है ....

दिन कोई एक काम ऐसा जरूर करो 

जिससे रात को सोते वक्त अपने आप 

पर गरूर महसूस करो ....

किसी को उजाड़ कर बसे तो क्या बसे 

, किसी को रुलाकर हँसे तो क्या हँसे ....

हर करीबी इंसान को अपना राज मत बताओ 


  जो आज आपके साथ है ,वो कल आपके 

          खिलाफ भी हो सकता है ,...

मासूम बनकर रहना किसे अच्छा नहीं लगता 

ये तो जिंदगी है जो थोड़ा थोड़ा समझदार किये 

जा रही है ...

सच बोलने का साहस कीजिए , परिणाम 

भुगतने की शक्ति परमात्मा देंगे ,

ईमानदारी बड़ा महंगा शौक है इसे 

हर कोई नहीं पाल पता ....

घमंड तन का या धन का ,

समय आने पर टूट जाता है ....

आप किसी के लिए कितना भी कर लो ,

जिसको धोखा देना है वो धोखा ही देगा ....

माँ से बड़ा हमदर्द और बाप से बड़ा हमसफ़र 

कोई नहीं ...

सूरज और पिता की गर्मी बर्दास्त करना सीखिए 

जब ये डूब जाते है तो हर तरफ अँधेरा हो जाता है 

वक्त के फैसले कभी गलत नहीं होते ,

बस साबित होने में वक्त लगता है ....

जिंदगी जिन्हे खुशी नहीं देती 

उन्हें तजुर्बे बहुत देती है ...

अपने अंदर का बचपना हमेशा जिन्दा रखो 

ज्यादा समझदारी भी जिंदगी को नर्क बना देती है ...

अपने उद्देश्य में ईमानदारी से लगे रहना ही 

सफलता का रहस्य है।।। 

कौन ,कब ,किसका ,कितना है ये सिर्फ वक्त 

तय करता है ....


how lord Ram Die ? Death Of lord Ram ? Ram ki mratu kese huyi ,कैसे हुयी श्री राम की मृत्यु ?english

 Hello friends ....

 Friends, Lord Shri Ram, there will be hardly any person who does not know him, Lord Shri Ram was Vishnu incarnation, he was born in Ayodhya, Lord Shri Ram had three brothers named, Lakshmana, Bharat, Shatrughan, Lord Shri Ram He was married to Mata Sita, who was an incarnation of Lakshmi.

Ravana took Mother Sita to Lanka by deceit, Lord Shri Ram fought with Ravana and killed him.

We all know these things and this is shown on TV also in Ramayana.

But even today there are different facts, stories behind how Lord Shri Ram died, which are as follows,

Story 1: 

The most popular story about the death of Lord Shri Ram is that Mother Sita fell into the earth after sleeping Luv and Kush to Shri Ram, after this Shri Ram was very sad and called the God of tomorrow, Yamraj and After taking the consent of his death, he himself got absorbed in the river Saryu,

Story 2:

 The second story related to the death of Lord Shri Ram is that, Lord Shri Ram spent more than 1000 years on earth, ruled, after that when all the tasks of his incarnation were completed, he disguised as a sage. Appeared and invoked Yamraj, and expressed his desire to talk to him, in such a situation Yamraj also came in the form of a sage and put a small condition before talking that no one else should see us while talking, so Shri Ram made Lakshman stand at the door and said that no person should come inside and if this happens then there will be death penalty for Lakshmana.

Lord Shri Ram and Kaal i.e. Yamraj were talking, only then Sage Durvasha came there and requested to meet Ram, on this Lakshman refused him, on this Sage Durvasha got angry and was about to curse, then Lakshmana Apologized and after that they entered the place where Shri Ram and Yamraj were talking, seeing this Shri Ram got angry and seeing Lakshmana not being punished, he left the country, for Lakshman it was also like death. That's why he got absorbed in the Sarayu river and took the form of Sheshnag, and went to Vaikuntha.

After this Lord Shri Ram also did brother

After death, Sarayu joined the river, assumed the form of Vishnu and went to Vaikuntha.

So friends, this was some interesting information related to the death of Lord Shri Ram, which is very popular, hope that you would have liked this post, if you liked this information, then please share it,

Thank you ....

how did it happen Mr.

Ram's death?

how lord Ram Die ? Death Of lord Ram ? Ram ki mratu kese huyi ,कैसे हुयी श्री राम की मृत्यु ?

 नमस्कार दोस्तों ....

 दोस्तों भगवान श्री राम , शायद ही कोई व्यक्ति ऐसा होगा जो इन्हे नहीं जनता , भगवान श्री राम विष्णु अवतार थे , इनका जन्म अयोध्या में हुआ था , भगवान श्री राम के तीन भाई थे जिनका नाम , लक्ष्मण , भरत ,शत्रुघन था ,  भगवान् श्री राम का  विवाह माता सीता के साथ हुआ था जो लक्ष्मी जी अवतार थी , 

माता सीता को रावण छल से उठाकर लंका ले गया , भगवान श्री राम ने  रावण के साथ युद्ध किया और उसे मार दिया , 

ये बातें हम सभी लोग जानते है और tv पर भी रामायण में यही दिखाया जाता है , 

लेकिन भगवान श्री राम की मृत्यु कैसे हुयी इसके पीछे आज भी अलग अलग तथ्य , कहानिया है जो इस प्रकार है , 

कथा एक : भगवान श्री राम की मृत्यु के बारे में सबसे प्रचलित कथा यह है की माता सीता लव और कुश को श्री राम को सोपने के बाद धरती में समा गई , इसके बाद श्री राम बहुत दुखी हुए और उन्होंने कल के देवता यमराज को बुलाया और अपनी मृत्यु की सहमति ली इसके बाद वे खुद ही सरयू नदी में समाहित हो गए , 

कथा 2 : भगवान श्री राम की मृत्यु से जुडी दूसरी कथा यह है की , भगवान श्री राम ने धरती पर 1000 वर्षो से ज्यादा जीवन बिताया , राज किया , इसके बाद जब उनके अवतार लेने के सभी कार्य पूर्ण हो गए तो उन्होंने एक ऋषि का वेश धारण किया और यमराज का आवाहन किया , और उनसे बात करने की इच्छा प्रकट की , ऐसे में यमराज भी एक ऋषि का रूप धारण करके आये और बात करने से पहले एक छोटी सी शर्त रखी की हमे बात करते हुए को कोई और न देखे , इसलिए श्री राम ने लक्ष्मण को दरवाजे पर खड़ा कर दिया और कहा की कोई भी व्यक्ति अंदर ना आने पाए और अगर ऐसा हुआ तो लक्ष्मण के लिए मृत्यु दंड होगा , 

भगवान श्री राम और काल यानि यमराज बात कर रहे थे इतने में ही ऋषि दुर्वाशा वहां आये और राम से मिलने का आग्रह किया , इस पर लक्ष्मण ने उन्हें मना किया , इस पर ऋषि दुर्वाशा क्रोधित हो गए और शाप देने ही वाले थे तभी लक्ष्मण ने माफ़ी मांगी और इसके बाद वे उस जगह में प्रवेश कर गए जहा पर श्री राम और यमराज बातें कर रहे थे , ऐसा देखकर श्री राम क्रोधित हुए और लक्ष्मण को मृत्यु दंड ना देखर देश निकला दे दिया , लक्ष्मण के लिए यह भी मृत्यु के समान ही था इसलिए वह सरयू नदी में समां गए और शेषनाग का रूप धारण किया ,और वैकुण्ठ को चले गए , 

इसके बाद भगवान श्री राम ने भी भाई की 

मृत्यु के बाद सरयू नदी में समा गए ,विष्णु रूप धारण किया और वैकुण्ठ चले गए , 

तो दोस्तों ये थी भगवान श्री राम की मृत्यु से जुडी कुछ रोचक जानकारी जोकि बहुत ज्यादा प्रचलित है , आशा करते है की आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आयी होगी , अगर आपको ये जानकारी पसंद आयी है तो कृपया इसे शेयर करे , 

धन्यवाद ....